
IPCD started in 2014, when Pseudomonas strains were generously given by an international community of research scientists from 31 institutions. The strain collection was assembled with the aim of representing maximal genomic diversity. To this end, various criteria were taken into consideration, including geographic origin, previous genotyping, phenotype, and in vivo behaviour. IPCD currently contains 2001 entries for P. aeruginosa isolates spanning 125 years back to 1880, and covering about 35 countries, on 5 continents. Draft genomes have been produced for 1294 of these isolates.


For inquiries on specific strains, please communicate directly with the provider. For other inquiries on the IPCD initiative, contact rclevesq@ibis.ulaval.ca.


Team at IBIS


Freschi L et al. (2015). Clinical utilization of genomics data produced by the international Pseudomonas aeruginosa consortium. Front. Microbiol. 6:1036. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01036
